
Work at a Portfolio Company

⭐Lindy’s Culture



People & HR
Posted on Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Some of these values are strongly worded, voluntarily so. We realize that some of them will be controversial. Our goal isn't to ruffle anybody's feathers. But we also don't want our values to be corporate platitudes ("a commitment to excellence and integrity as a foundation to customer trust…"). We also recognize that they aren't for everyone. That's fine. We don't mean that this is the only way people should work. It's just our way — and we totally understand and respect people who decide it's not for them.
Lindy’s culture is composed of three pillars:
An elite institution (who we are)
Doing the best work of our lives (what we do)
Moving fast (how we do it)
An elite institution.
Doing the best work of our lives.
Moving fast:
Secondary values
Frugality.We're a startup. We buy second-hand when possible, and don't tolerate unnecessary expenses.
Transparency.This is your business, and you're entitled to seeing everything, especially if you are to have enough context to make your own decisions. This includes our financials.
Be yourself.Life is just more fun that way. That doesn't mean you should be self-indulgent and not try to improve; just that you shouldn't feel like you have to build this great wall between your true self and your work self. Allow yourself to be silly at work if that's your thing; and if your kid makes noise in the background while you're in a meeting, don't be embarrassed, just invite them to say hi! (Plus this way they'll be so shy they won't make noise again.)
Superpumped.Startups are at a bigger risk of running out of morale than running out of money. When good things happen, we notice them, celebrate them, and let ourselves express our excitement about them. And when bad things happen, we take stock of the situation and call it for what it is, no matter how dire. But we never let ourselves fall into despair. "Confront the brutal facts, yet never lose faith."Related reading: Shackleton's Way.
Details matter.They're what the product is made of. Even if every detail doesn't get noticed by the user, they'll still infuse your product with a feeling of deep care and craftsmanship. We keep this attention to detail at every step of our development:
Great artists steal.We feel no shame in stealing good ideas to serve our users. When something works, the only reason we wouldn't copy it would be hubris — "this isn't my idea [hence it's not that good]!" "Copying is beneath me!" This is one of these invisible "optimizing for the maker instead of for the user" moments. Being truly user-obsessed means accepting that users love something, swallowing your pride, and implementing it, regardless of its origin.
Your job isn't done until the job is done.This is stolen from Nike's values, and is a corollary to "we care." When we spot a problem, we never say "someone ought to do something about this," or "that's not my job." Your official title is ancillary to the company's mission — building the best place to work together. Your real job is to do anything it takes to get closer to this.